Upcoming Soul Gatherings and Other Live Events

Hosted by Lisa Wilson from Radically Authentic You

Complimentary Core Stress Healing Activations

Join me for one of these special events celebrating the cycles of the universe. These nervous system healing activations will give you practical tools to manage stress, including mini-breathworks using the Restorative Breathwork Method. 

  • June 20th @ 5pm PT - Summer Solstice Ceremony - We will be exploring the spiritual significance of the Summer Solstice and the energy it brings to us. We will also practice a guided Breathwork exercise to release stress and engage in powerful healing to clear old patterns. Now is the time to embrace YOUR authentic self.  REGISTER TODAY

Coming Up, Save the Date with each session 5pm PT: 

  • July 18th - Full Moon Preparation for Manifestation
  • August 22th - Navigating Mercury Retrograde
  • September 19th - Autumnal Equinox Celebration
  • October 17th - Hunter's Full Moon Preparation for Samhain
  • November 21st - Fall Gathering
  • December 19th - Winter Equinox Ceremony

Watch your inbox for details! Not on our list yet? Sign up here! 

Want a bit more support? Join my FREE Breathe Studio community. Through daily practices of spiritual connection, breathwork, and intention setting, you’ll experience profound shifts in your well-being. Our supportive Kajabi community will help you maintain momentum. Transform feeling blocked into a pathway of fulfillment.

I was blown away by yesterday’s session. The music was incredible and I can’t quite describe the feelings I was having, it was like nothing I have ever felt before. My solar plexus area was fluttering and I went into a very deep sleep well before the end of the session. I almost feel as though I could have been transported somewhere else! I have felt more grounded today and looking forward to the next session!
Past Participant

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