about Lisa J Wilson

You are so much bigger than the story you are living in.
Hi, I'm Lisa
Lisa J. Wilson, Author

Some days I am more wolf than woman and I am still learning how to stop apologising for my wild.

~Nikita Gill

The wild woman is fluent in the language of dreams, images, passion, and poetry

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Regardless of our particular backgrounds, all of us have been conditioned to look outside ourselves – to our relationships, careers, and other external circumstances – for a feeling of inner connection, lovability and security. But when we come from the mindset that the happiness we seek exists in someone or something outside of ourselves, we become easy targets for emotional abuse.

My mission, pure and simple, is to support you in releasing these limiting narratives and patterns from your past, so you can stand confidently and powerfully in your own innate wisdom, strength, and creative brilliance.

My life’s work is to support those who find themselves caught in repetitive or dysfunctional relationship patterns – whether at home, in the workplace, or even within the spiritual community where they turn for sustenance and a higher perspective. Through my individual and group coaching, retreats and workshops, I offer reliable, transformational tools to heal the wounded aspects of ourselves so we can return to our innate foundation of self-trust, self- empowerment and self-love. This is the inner foundation we must strengthen, for a solid connection with ourselves is essential both for extricating ourselves from the unhealthy situations we may find ourselves in, and for avoiding them in the first place.

Once you receive the wisdom that is hidden within your emotional wounds, you liberate the energy that’s been keeping you stuck creating the same unsatisfying results in different areas of your life. And when your former emotional triggers are neutralized, they no longer hold any power in your experience and you become free to infuse your life with a new frequency of energy – and populate it with those who resonate in alignment with that higher frequency.

Lisa’s teachings and guidance are profound and have initiated profound changes within me and in my life. I had extreme anxieties whenever dealing with a particular family member, and I feel that the breath work has really helped reset, recalibrate, and soothe my body which has been in PTSD mode for years. Lisa suggested that listening to bi-lateral music would also help me, so I did both! I did the breathing exercises, while simultaneously listening to bi-lateral music, and the result? Phenomenal. I was sent on a truly epic breathwork journey that was a death and rebirth and in this process, wisdom was imparted to me which has forever changed and liberated me. A new reality, a new world exists for me now–one in which I know I’m ok and can feel ok, regardless of how the drama unfolds with this family member.

Lisa’s work holds so much truth and is so profound because she has experienced exactly what she teaches. These are the best kind of teachers and mentors and why her teachings actually work.


Break Through to Break Free

Breakthrough to Break Free: Shatter the barriers holding you back and unlock your best life. This powerful 90-minute session isn’t just about identifying blocks, it’s about demolishing them and empowering you to build a well-loved life. First-time clients only: Get started for an exclusive $99. Reshape your destiny and unlock happiness. Click the link to schedule your journey today!

Dearest Lisa,
I want to take a moment to thank you for the recent program you have offered. I began a deep physical purge.
Much is unraveling within me now and the timing is quite perfect. It feels so good to have a path to follow as I let go of the relationships that have been draining me.
Thank you so much,

Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for your programs. It is being very helpful and it is exactly what I needed as my next step towards healing.
Sending you big hug from Italy.

You are one of the most genuine and kind hearted people I have had the pleasure to work with. I love the impact you are making in my life,

Thank you so much for All of your programs and offerings, including your FB page which are helping me cope with my 27-year soul contract relationship that I am leaving. It has been difficult being in lock-down with this individual, but I know it is preparing me for my new life.

I really appreciate your work and how it has helped me. You are making a big difference for me and I am passing it on to my clients.

Good morning Lisa,
I want to thank you for the wonderful support and insight shared this morning. Timely is the best way I can describe.

Actually, a precious gift. Thank you. You are a blessing and I am very grateful.
Tammy Schafer

Hi! I’m Lisa Wilson, and, suffice it to say that at this stage in my spiritual journey I hold many titles. First and foremost, I am a Mom, a friend and a spiritual guide to the most lovable, gifted, and amazing teenage boy. I’m also an author, a certified Law of Attraction coach, an NLP meta-coach, a certified hypnotherapist, a Reiki Master and a certified Light Body facilitator. And the most transformative training I’ve experienced to date, as a Neo-Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator.​  And from each of these valuable and perspective-shifting spiritual practices, I have curated my own unique and reliable methodology for transformation. In short, I have been a spiritual soul traveler for the better part of thirty years, providing guidance, support and transformational tools to thousands of people who have sought me out from all over the globe. And I am deeply blessed to be on this journey with you.