Big Love


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“An honest person will NEVER understand the behavior of a dishonest person as it is not their nature.”

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Welcome to the Aspen Center for Empowerment and Healing weekly blog, where we will focus on the true meaning of self-love and how to clear toxic relationships from your life with ease and grace.


To support you on your journey, download my free gift, Freedom from Narcissistic Abuse Help Kit.

This program has an energy cleanse tool that will raise your vibration and align you with your higher self, so you are no longer a match to abusive relationships. The use of this program on a consistent basis will help support you in changing your Vibrational Set Point.

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“We always know which is the best road to follow. But we follow only the road that we have become accustomed to.” – Paulo Coelho

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The Clarion Call – LOVE is the key

“You are where you are supposed to be at this very moment. Trust that every experience is part of the Divine Plan.” – Lisa Wilson

Can you remember a time in your life where you took a risk or made a change, intuitively knowing that this was the right choice for you but not knowing why? Or, you didn’t make the change or take the risk and the Divine stepped in and the change happened to you, as you went kicking and screaming through the whole experience? Then came that magical day, the moment of clarity when you SAW, for the first time, how you were divinely guided all along…

I have lived through both experiences in my life. I actively made the changes by following my intuition and I have also had the change thrust upon me. With each experience I was able to look back at the gifts I received. Recently the path became clear as the dots of my life connected and the bigger picture was revealed.  My life went from me to WE– it was the Clarion Call to my life purpose.

For as long as I can remember, the mystical path was at the center of my heart and BIG LOVE called my soul. My heart longed for DEEP love and I was lead on a journey to magical and mythical places to discover love. I believed that love was outside of me, it was in a person, a place, or a thing. I knew each experience I had brought me closer to myself and taught me look within for the love I was seeking. What a beautiful surprise to SEE it all come together in the story of my life as my soul’s calling was illuminated. This journey is filled with challenges that bring gifts with each initiation we put ourselves through and stepping into the unknown is part of this experience.

“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood” – Helen Keller

Mystics are lovers who are drawn toward a love in which there is no ‘you’ or ‘me’, but only the oneness of love Itself. They are prepared to pay the ultimate price to realize this truth as this path to love will slowly and often painfully destroy all our outer and inner attachments, All the images we may have of our self will eventually disappear, except divine love and divine presence. The journey may begin with a relationship with one’s inner light, but the mystic is drawn on a deeper journey toward love’s greatest understanding:  within the heart we are one with the divine. True love is a burning which destroys all sense of the separate self, until nothing’s left but love -it is the Phoenix Rising.

“Spiritual growth involves giving up the stories of your past, so the universe can write a new one” – Marianne Williamson

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Welcome to the journey of the heart moment and into the reality of who you ALREADY are. This journey takes you out of your mind and into your heart as you connect in the unified field of ONENESS. We are all connected and by removing our own self-imposed limitations, we open our hearts to living the most amazing LOVE imaginable. Within the heart of each of us, lives this Divine love and our true nature.

Energy clearing and healing has been most effective for me to clear and release old outdated beliefs and programs, as well as, connecting me to my Divine Presence. When you clean out the limited beliefs and programs, you can hear that small still voice inside guiding you every step of the way.   

Check out my latest program, Divine Soul Integration – The Divine Union Energy Healing Session, intended to reprogram your subconscious limited beliefs and align you with your OWN POWER. This program will guide you to bringing back all the aspects of you that keep you in separation. This is a very effective and powerful energy healing that with your free will, will set you up for creating change in your life, so you can live the life you were born to live!

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There is a DIVINE plan to our lives and it requires a leap of faith- the bridge WILL appear. Grab some popcorn and put on the movie, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, and watch as Indy takes a leap of faith to get to the Holy Grail. We all have free will, but to live the life you were born to live, to fill that insatiable desire for your soul’s calling, you must take a leap of faith and JUMP.

“If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done”

Understanding Soul Contracts – Healing from Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships are difficult to say the least and most people don’t come out of these relationships unscathed. They have a profound impact and create huge life experiences and choices. When a soul mate relationship comes together, it has the power to transform you at your core and will play out according to the contract. They start out with a strong magnetic attraction that brings us together, some contracts will teach us to own our power,  some teach us intimacy and others teach us love. There are so many ways these relationships show up in our lives, but one thing’s for sure, your life will change.

“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself, or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow, or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” – Wayne Dyer

Let’s talk about soul contracts…

A Soul Contract is essentially the list of lessons that we are meant to acquire in this lifetime in order to advance our soul to a higher level of consciousness (Forever Conscious).

The Divine Plan is bigger than our human (ego) can comprehend. Our souls know what our life purpose is. We have many people, experiences and lessons that come into our lives to guide us along the way. Some experiences are easier than others, but they are always leading us to self-love, spiritual growth and expansion of the soul.

It is human nature to learn through experience and toxic relationships can make or break YOU. We either evolve or disintegrate and this is the reason these relationships come into our lives. This is the nature of  Soul Contracts.

Toxic relationships and relationships with someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) present the opportunity, if you choose, to get to the CORE of your own limited self-beliefs. These relationships are GIFTS that grow us into our TRUE Authentic Self, but it’s always up to you to SEE the bigger picture, as you have FREE WILL.

I have met many people whose lives are now so much more loving, fulfilling and joyful than they ever possibly could have imagined when they were in the midst of their  toxic relationship, but they all had to come to understanding the bigger picture and accept there was a reason for what happened to them. Self-Love is understanding that you and the divine are one. You are NOT alone and your soul came to this life experience to expand.

When you can integrate, at a cellular level, that the Divine and You are one, you then free yourself from separation and love can and will fill in the spaces in between.  

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Soul Contracts – going DEEPER…

Through our own human evolution, we used to believe the world was flat. Some people who opposed that belief were put to death, which anchored the program in the collective consciousness to conform! Quantum physics now reveals that a far greater part of our life is going on multi-dimensionally beyond our level of conscious five sensory understanding. The old paradigms regarding our understanding of ourselves and life are now transforming, and we are in uncharted territory as we navigate the leading edge of our existence.

Can you remember a time in your life when you felt a DEEP connection to another person? If so, what was your experience with this person? Let’s dive into Soul Contracts together! I look forward to hearing about your experiences.

Recommended reading for a broader perspective on soul contracts –

#1 – Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss

#2 – The Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon (she has many books that explore  the depths of soul contracts)

#3 – Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss

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Weekly Empowerment Forecast

5/27/2018 – 6/03/2018

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It’s time to set an intention and think about what you want in your career. Write it down… What do you want your ideal day to feel like? Who are the people in your life that you get to work with? The New Moon in Taurus will be offering a very stable and rewarding energy that is going to help us make the best of all that we have been working on throughout the year with a strong focus on career.

If you have been feeling lost in your career, or unsure of how to create financial income while doing your soul work then this is going to be a great time to put any plans you may have into action. The energy on the planet at this time is going to assist you with this and may bring new insights or awakenings into your life.

Uranus is the planet of awakenings and has the power to shake up and stir whatever it touches. This helps us to realize new possibilities and see things from a different perspective. Uranus shakes us up to awaken us and it seems that we are all being directed to open our eyes and embrace the new! Perhaps it is time to question some of the steps you have been taking in your own life, and whether they are still serving you..

While this energy may manifest differently for everyone, as a whole; it is likely we are all going to have a new insight into what brings us security and what is important in our lives.

The energy of May wraps up with the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 29th. This is a beautiful Full Moon that is really going to help us to open our hearts to BIG LOVE as we are attracting new loving energy into our lives or are called to let go of blocks that are holding us back from experiencing true love. Overall, the end of May is busy with lots of new energy to enjoy.

Don’t forget, you ALWAYS have free will and you get to choose how you live your life! The universe is there to support you, but you must take the action steps to move forward.

Set your intention to trust yourself as a creator being and that your life is filled with possibilities

Set your intention to discern which experiences are aligned with your Divine Plan and that you have all you need to make them a reality.

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Thank you, Source, for the peace I feel, knowing that all my needs, all my desires are aligned with my Divine Plan.

Thank you for expanding my skills, knowledge and wisdom and thank you for the loving, supportive and trustworthy relationships I have in my life. So be it and so it is.


Until next week.

With a grateful heart,

Lisa xo
